22 research outputs found

    Modelo para la anotación colaborativa de textos literarios digitalizados

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    La digitalización de documentos está revolucionando nuestro mundo. El concepto de un documento en papel o en cualquier otro medio físico está desapareciendo poco a poco. Esta digitalización paulatina de todos los documentos, añadida a los que ya están digitalizados, o se crean ya en formato digital desde el inicio, nos permite observar que en un futuro cercano la utilización de estos medios será masiva debido a su versatilidad y accesibilidad frente a los ya clásicos libros en papel. El problema surge al darnos cuenta de que lo que se digitaliza es la información base, pero la información subyacente, aquella que no aparece intrínsecamente en los documentos y que los consumidores de estos recursos completan con sus anotaciones, queda olvidada, al no existir medios de creación y manipulación de anotaciones lo suficientemente precisos y completos como para cubrir las necesidades de los usuarios. Este proceso digital de anotado nos abre la puerta a un nuevo medio de aprendizaje en nuestras escuelas y universidades a través de los documentos de estudio digitalizados, proporcionando una interacción entre el profesor y el alumno muy diferente al medio actual y permitiéndonos explotar técnicas sociales de estudio mediante el anotado colaborativo. Actualmente existen múltiples programas que permiten el anotado de documentos de manera parcial o total, variando entre sí tanto en el mecanismo de anotación como en el tipo de documento anotado. Este trabajo valorará las diferentes elecciones respecto al modelo y sistema de anotado elegidas por los distintos anotadores del mercado, presentará un modelo de anotado colaborativo digital de libros digitalizados enfocado a la enseñanza, y describirá y evaluará una aplicación llamada @note, que está basada en dicho modelo. [ABSTRACT] Document digitalization is changing our world. The concept of a document in paper or in any other physical medium is slowly disappearing. This gradual digitalization of all the documents, added to those already digitalized, as well to those created in digital format from the beginning, lets us realize that in the near future the use of these resources would be massive due to its versatility and accessibility compared to the classic books on paper. The problem arises when we realize that the target of digitalization is the basic content, but the underlying information that does not appear intrinsically in the documents, and which consumers of these resources complete with annotations, is discarded. It is due to the absence of means allowing the creation and manipulation of annotations, which are accurate and complete – enough to meet the user needs. This digital annotation process makes possible new learning environments in our schools and universities based on digitized documents of study, providing an interaction between the teacher and the students that substantially differs from the current media, and which allow us to exploit social learning skills through collaborative annotation activities. Currently there are many programs that enable the partial or the complete annotation of documents. These programs vary from each other both in the annotation mechanism as in the nature of the annotated documents. This research work evaluates the different choices of existing annotation systems and models. It also proposes an annotation model oriented to the collaborative annotation of digitized books in learning settings, and it describes and evaluates a working application called @note, which is based on this model

    Gestión de colecciones digitales con esquemas de catalogación reconfigurables

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    Agradezco el apoyo recibido durante estos años por parte de todos los miembros de mi grupo de investigación ILSA en la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. También a los grupos de investigación LEETHI y LOEP pertenecientes también a la Universidad Complutense, y a la Fundación El Caño de Panamá, sin los que no habría podido realizar parte de los experimentos expuestos en los trabajos.A título personal, deseo agradecer a mis directores José Luis Sierra, Ana Fernández-Pampillón, Antonio Sarasa, y compañeros de grupo de investigación Alfredo Fernández Valmayor, Daniel Rodríguez, Bryan Temprado y César Ruiz por darme la oportunidad de desarrollar estos años de investigación con ellos sobre este campo, esfuerzo que concluye en esta tesis, y por todo lo que me han enseñado sobre cómo ser un buen investigador.Dentro de la universidad también deseo dar las gracias a mis compañeros del “Aula16”: Toni, Dan, Iván, Víctor, Jesús, Pablo, Cristina y Marta con los que he compartido muchas comidas, y cafés, a lo largo de estos años divagando sobre informática. También quiero dar las gracias a mis actuales compañeros del “420bip”: Susana, Vicky, Carlos y Noelia, que me han visto dando los últimos remates estos meses a esta tesis y me han ayudado en todo lo que han podido..

    Improving Health Information Exchange by Combining Interoperable Resources and Digital Collection Integration Tools

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    Health information exchange plays a key role in any kind of healthcare system. An important barrier in this exchange is the lack of mechanisms and tools able to fully integrate information models that underlie existing healthcare systems. The current paper presents an approach to gathering multiple sources of clinical data by taking advantage of the HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) format. The use of this standard format together with the Clavy tool enables a powerful approach to managing digital health collections that can easily be exchanged in different healthcare domains. In this sense, several content items for healthcare training, based on e-learning standards, have been generated from a clinical dataset that combines FHIR resources and DICOM images. Such a generation process shows the capability of the approach presented to coping with the exchange of health information based on multiple multimedia formats and controlled medical vocabularies

    Browsing Digital Collections with Reconfigurable Faceted Thesauri

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    Faceted thesauri group classification terms into hierarchically arranged facets. They enable faceted browsing, a well-known browsing technique that makes it possible to navigate digital collections by recursively choosing terms in the facet hierarchy. In this paper we develop an approach to achieve faceted browsing in live collections, in which not only the contents but also the thesauri can be constantly reorganized. We start by introducing a digital collection model letting users reconfigure facet hierarchies. Then we introduce navigation automata as an efficient way of supporting faceted browsing in these collections. Since, in the worst-case, the number of states in these automata can grow exponentially, we propose two alternative indexing strategies able to bridge this complexity: inverted indexes and navigation dendrograms. Finally, by comparing these strategies in the context of Clavy, a system for managing collections with reconfigurable structures in digital humanities and educational settings, we provide evidence that navigation dendrogram organization outperforms the inverted index-based one

    Learning Object Repositories with Dynamically Reconfigurable Metadata Schemata

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    [ES] In this paper we describe a model of learning object repository in which users have full control on the metadata schemata. Thus, they can define new schemata and they can reconfigure existing ones in a collaborative fashion. As consequence, the repository must react to changes in schemata in a dynamic and responsive way. Since schemata enable operations like navigation and search, dynamic reconfigurability requires clever indexing strategies, resilient to changes in these schemata. For this purpose, we have used conventional inverted indexing approaches and we have also devised a hierarchical clusteringbased indexing model. By using Clavy, a system for managing learning object repositories in the field of the Humanities, we provide some experimental results that show how the hierarchical clustering-based model can outperform the more conventional inverted indexes-based solutions

    Exportador/Actualizador de datos OdA-XLS. Guía Técnica

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    Paquete software para la exportación, la importación y actualización de la información contenida en las colecciones de Objetos Digitales de los repositorios OdA a hojas de cálculo XLS mediante la conexión con la plataforma Clav

    Generador de informes HTML con OdA-Clavy. Guía Técnica.

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    El Generador de Informes OdA (en adelante GI-OdA) es un paquete software que permite, mediante la conexión con la plataforma Clavy, la generación de documentos HTML con la información seleccionada por el usuario de una colección de Objetos Digitales alojados en OdA

    A flexible model for the collaborative annotation of digitized literary works

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    Versión del editor: http://www.dh2012.unihamburg.de/conference/programme/abstracts/a-flexible-model-for-the-collaborative-annotation-of-digitized-literaryworks/Para más información sobre el posterior desarrollo de la aplicación, cfr. «@Note, herramienta de lectura digital y anotación colaborativa», en Escritorios electrónicos para las literaturas: Nuevas herramientas digitales para la anotación colaborativa. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013, pp. 127-136. Versión digital en http://eprints.ucm.es/21471/Presentación de la herramienta informática @Note versión 1.0 en el congreso de Humanidades Digitales de Hamburgo 2012. En el artículo se describe el planteamiento informático de la aplicación, creada para anotar textos literarios extraídos de la biblioteca digital Google (patrocinador de la investigación mediante uno e los premios del 2010 Digital Humanities Award Program). Mediante el uso de esta se pueden realizar tareas de lectura y anotación colaborativa, ya entre comunidades de estudiantes como de profesores. El artículo describe brevemente las funcionalidades informáticas que permiten crear esos esquemas compartidos y otras características técnicas.This paper presents the annotation model used in @Note 1.0, a system developed at Complutense University (Madrid) funded by the Google’s 2010 Digital Humanities Award Program. @Note 1.0 allows to retrieve digitized works from Google Books collection and add annotations to enrich the texts with research and learning purposes: critical editions, reading activities, e-learning tasks, etc. One of the main features of @Note annotation model is to promote the collaborative creation of annotation schemas by communities of researchers, teachers and students, and the use of these schemas in the definition of annotation activities on literary works.Google Inc., a través del Google’s 2010 Digital Humanities Award Program

    Ontology-Enhanced Educational Annotation Activities

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    Information and communications technology and technology-enhanced learning have unquestionably transformed traditional teaching–learning processes and are positioned as key factors to promote quality education, one of the basic sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda. Document annotation, which was traditionally carried out with pencil and paper and currently benefits from digital document annotation tools, is a representative example of this transformation. Using document annotation tools, students can enrich the documents with annotations that highlight the most relevant aspects of these documents. As the conceptual complexity of the learning domain increases, the annotation of the documents may require comprehensive domain knowledge and an expert analysis capability that students usually lack. Consequently, a proliferation of irrelevant, incorrect, and/or poorly decontextualized annotations may appear, while other relevant aspects are completely ignored by the students. The main hypothesis proposed by this paper is that the use of a guiding annotation ontology in the annotation activities is a keystone aspect to alleviate these shortcomings. Consequently, comprehension is improved, exhaustive content analysis is promoted, and meta-reflective thinking is developed. To test this hypothesis, we describe our own annotation tool, @note, which fully implements this ontology-enhanced annotation paradigm, and we provide experimental evidence about how @note can improve academic performance via a pilot study concerning critical literary annotation